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Doesn't look good for USF1

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#1 Nacho



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:14 PM

A post from a USF1 employee on GrandPrix.com's forums...

It got hot in the kitchen for a while because of my posts, but the situation is now so chaotic and the lying taking place borders on complete fraud.

The car is easily 2 months away from being complete--and thats if they had the money and manpower to complete it and they gave decision making to the appropriate people.
Ken couldn't make payroll at the end of January and finally paid everyone 1/2 of what they were owed this past Monday, the 2nd half is promised this Monday--I'm not holding my breath. About 2/3rds of staff are showing up semi-regularly…who can blame them..there is little to work on.

Everything is hand to mouth -- all of the suppliers are on COD terms if they will supply at all. We haven't seen a Cosworth because they still owe 2.5M euros for them. We have no materials to turn into parts--but assumes that we'd have drawings to produce parts from Anderson Jr….another complete incompetent that barely got his High School diploma!

The boys in the carbon shop don't have the drawings or the tooling they need to produce the tub, let alone the entire car. The tub alone is weeks away from being able to send for FIA testing. At least they don't have to worry about making the suspension pieces--they are all going to be crafted from steel! No wheels, tires or brakes are in the shop, the transmission hasn't been seen either.

Poor Pechito…he shows up yesterday and there is no tub for him to sit in or to get a seat fitting in. He's told--"thats what happens when the money comes in late"

Like it's his fault…Peter and Ken are perhaps the worst managers F1 has ever seen. Peter and Ken convince themselves that they are brilliant businessmen, when they don't understand the basics of an org chart, chain of command, delegation of responsibility..not a single person knows their role, responsibility or job function and if they are--they aren't allowed to do it. The basics of management require that in order to make people accountable, they must have the authority and the financial ability to make decisions in their area of responsibility---Ken will have none of that!.

Ken makes every decision himself despite being surrounded by real F1 engineering, production and marketing & communications experts that would do a much better job if left to do it. When challenged on any decision or direction, your job is usually threatened or he leaves for Starbucks to avoid the confrontation. We were all told the team had 3 years funding and Ken professed he wanted to be, "the dumbest guy in the room", nothing could be further from the truth…the whole adventure has been built on one lie after another and tightly controlled by Ken and his flavor-of-the-day believers.

When he can't make payroll…he goes to Daytona to try and drum up money from unsuspecting gentleman racers who think they are "investing" in something…the dream has turned into a con job.

We think Bernie is on to them and Hurley must be at this point too. Any reasonable person could see how mis-managed the whole operation is.

Its all so sad--the opportunity lost, the dream investor scammed….. dream to nightmare due to extreme mismanagement and the egos of K & P.

If the cancer were removed, real management and investment installed-we could make a go of it--but not until Spain……at the earliest.

I can't wait to see what kind witch hunt transpires from this post! Screw them--getting the truth out will hopefully create some transparency to their scheme.

Others at the shop are talking too...

#2 Redliner


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:21 PM

Whoa. Full of drama yo...

#3 TimzSI



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:25 PM

Ive been reading those posts over there. I'm not saying I think USF1 will make any grid this year, but I'm not sure how much validity there is to what is being written.

#4 vietlol



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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:27 PM

it could be a troll but its pretty clear to just about everyone that the chances of usf1/campos making the grid are virtually 0

#5 _R_


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Posted 11 February 2010 - 11:48 PM

now either that's true, or it's a weird form of smart marketing...

#6 yonson


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 02:38 AM

guess it's time to change he PFF1 teams up...

#7 TimzSI



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Posted 12 February 2010 - 03:08 AM

believe none of what you hear/half of what you see...

USF1 could be trying to buy out the Dallara chassis from under Campos if you believe what you read on that site. Who the eff knows. Why would they book Barber if they weren't close to wheeling something out? Although there is conflicting stories regarding testing days booked by IRL, too. Also, didn't Pechito go on record saying between 20-25th of this month they would do some straight line stuff? And how could PW fleece the Argentine govt. out of 2 mil without SOME kind of proof of a runner? I mean I know governments are generally stupid and one hand rarely talks to the other, but...................

Still, I would not be suprised if the whole venture collapses.

#8 MrHahn


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Posted 12 February 2010 - 06:50 AM

Where was Obama's election promise to save US F1? :mamoru:

Oh snap

#9 _R_


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 02:55 PM

Beleaguered F1 newcomer USF1 suffers another blow, as doubt continues over make-up of 2010 F1 grid.
Rumours are rife that high-profile USF1 partner YouTube may be poised to swap its allegiance as the speculation surrounding the American team deepens.

Little has been heard from the Charlotte-based operation since it confirmed that Argentine touring car driver Jose Maria Lopez would be its first signing, and whispers insist that it is unlikely to make the grid in Bahrain next month, let alone see out the entire 2010 season. Further credence has been given to the rumour with reports that the team's head of business development, Brian Bonner, has quit his role and could be followed out of the door by YouTube founder and CEO Chad Hurley.

While Bonner has accepted a new post with B4 Marketing, YallaF1 suggests that Hurley has begun to investigate the possibility of swapping his support to either the equally troubled Campos Meta team or ambitious benchwarmer Stefan GP, which is angling after a place on the grid whether or not the other newcomers make it to Bahrain [see story here]. USF1's Charlotte base has also been put up for sale by its leaseholder, although that is not thought to be any reflection on the security of its tenants, which also include NASCAR teams Robby Gordon Racing and BAM Racing.

Campos, meanwhile, is hoping to be able to name the white knight that is believed to have secured its immediate future, with Germany's Auto Motor und Sport quoting an insider who expects to hear good news 'within 24 hours'.

The possibility of that investor being Hurley appears to have gathered momentum as rapidly as suggestions that A1GP Tony Teixeira would become involved have cooled. Meanwhile, internet rumours that both Volkswagen and former Midland/Spyker/Force India head man Colin Kolles could be on their way to the Spanish team have been denied by those involved. Former BAR and Red Bull tech chief Geoff Willis has yet to play down suggestions that he is play a part in either Campos Meta or Dallara's future F1 plans after being spotted at last week's Jerez test. Campos is reported to have had trouble meeting payment deadlines with both its Italian chassis partner and engine supplier Cosworth.

Despite the rumours, however, Adrian Valles continues to be tipped to partner Lopez at USF1, and the Argentine says he would welcome the Spaniard as a team-mate.

“I think, more than experience, it is more important to have the right attitude and desire to develop and help the team,” he was quoted by YallaF1, “Logically, it is very useful for an inexperienced team in F1 to have an experienced driver, but so too is it (useful) to have young drivers who are willing to give everything.”

Stefan GP, meanwhile, waits in the wings, hoping to get the call to replace either of the ailing newcomers, and this week called for the F1 entry to be expanded to 14 teams to allow it to take its place on the grid regardless of developments at Campos Meta and USF1.

more fuel to the fire...

#10 Shi



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Posted 17 February 2010 - 03:36 PM

what a fustercluck with the 3 new teams... between the 3 of them they have 2 chassis, 2 licences with the FIA, 2 drivers, enough finances for 2 teams... but probably none of them will make it to the first race

#11 Dr. Jimmmah!

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Posted 17 February 2010 - 03:39 PM

what a fustercluck with the 3 new teams... between the 3 of them they have 2 chassis, 2 licences with the FIA, 2 drivers, enough finances for 2 teams... but probably none of them will make it to the first race

seriously they need to allow stefan gp to race regardless of campos and usf1's situation. i'd bet at least one if not both of these guys don't show up in bahrain.

#12 Redliner


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 04:01 PM

So of the 5 new teams, 2 have failed to make a dent, 2 have made horribly slow cars, and 1 is just sitting there playing the waiting game.

I hope VR & Lotus stick around long enough to see their cars pick up speed and momentum - kudos for getting it up at least, we all gotta start somewhere. But next year is going to suck for them... Right now, I don't care about USF1 at all - and I don't know enough of Campos to wiggle a stick of sht at them.

#13 kngrsll



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Posted 17 February 2010 - 08:56 PM

at least the toyota chassis will be on par with the other cars, by default then, it will destroy the other new teams...

#14 DrDickAction


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 09:05 PM

at least the toyota chassis will be on par with the other cars, by default then, it will destroy the other new teams...

good point. Who's gonna drive it though?

#15 Redliner


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 10:14 PM

Sato and Heidfeld! :eek3:

#16 DrDickAction


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 10:23 PM

Sato and Heidfeld! :eek3:


I might have to go get a stefan GP tattoo if that happens.

#17 Redliner


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 11:47 PM

Axis Of Oversteer links a Argentianian paper saying that Windsor has told an assembled staff at the USF1 factory that the team has folded...



#18 DrDickAction


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Posted 17 February 2010 - 11:58 PM


#19 _R_


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 12:08 AM

If that's true... Windsor pretty much just blocked himself from F1...
I wouldn't have the face to ever show up anywhere F1 related again... either as a spectator, commentator, reporter, nothing...

#20 Redliner


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Posted 18 February 2010 - 12:41 AM

If that's true... Windsor pretty much just blocked himself from F1...
I wouldn't have the face to ever show up anywhere F1 related again... either as a spectator, commentator, reporter, nothing...

Good. I don't want to hear/read about how much he wants to stroke it with Lewis.

#21 kngrsll



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Posted 18 February 2010 - 02:11 AM

yeah, i wonder how true that story is. i also wonder how true it is that anyone that has invested money has lost it

#22 scoob_13



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Posted 18 February 2010 - 04:49 AM

This autoweek article: http://www.autoweek..../FREE/100219906

Makes me believe this.

I wanted to see them succeed, but at the same time, I dislike Windsor :eek3:

#23 Deadpool



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Posted 18 February 2010 - 04:56 AM

They need to just come out and say it already.

#24 _R_


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Posted 19 February 2010 - 04:48 PM

They need to just come out and say it already.

We are not dead, that was the message from 2010 F1 newcomer USF1 last night following speculation that the North Carolina-based operation was on the verge of folding and will not make it onto the grid.

Rumours of the team's fate intensified after the official website for the Peter Windsor and Ken Anderson-led outfit went down.

A message via Twitter though insisted that the project will not be stillborn: "The web server is down and is being repaired as this is written. We are not gone, as many have reported. More news soon."

The USF1 team has been dogged by cynicism and speculation ever since it was formally announced early last year, with the sport's influential commercial rights-holder, F1 boss Bernie Ecclestone repeatedly stating that he was unconvinced USF1 would ultimately make it.

Yesterday it was alleged that both key backer and YouTube co-founder Chad Hurley and head of business development Brian Bonner have left the team.

Hurley has also been linked to rival outfit Campos Meta 1 in recent days, along with USF1's only signed driver, multiple Argentine touring car champion Jose Maria Lopez – a man who has not driven a single-seater since 2006, but who can bring a reputed $8 million along with him in terms of sponsorship, $900,000 of which has already been stumped up by his country's government [see separate story – click here].

Meanwhile a statement from Lopez's management confirmed that talks have been taking place with USF1, although the precise nature of those discussions was not revealed. No payments have yet been made to the team.

"We would like to inform that yesterday, Jose Maria Lopez Sr, together with [managers] Felipe McGough and Victor Rosso, visited USF1 headquarters in Charlotte to be in contact with the team's directors," read the statement.

It added they now have "a clear understanding of the team's current situation" and are en-route to London.

"Arrangements were [then] made to have different meetings; one of them with the managers of the FOM [Formula One Management] whose president is Bernie Ecclestone.

"The result of the meeting has been positive."

at least they've said something... but in reality their something still says nothing...

#25 DrDickAction


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Posted 19 February 2010 - 05:03 PM

well, the website is back up :rofl:

Not that that means anything, thing is hosted by a 3rd party:

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